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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

milestoneZZZ for mommy!

 So I probably shouldn't jump for joy too quickly, but I've been reading some literature on how to break the attachment parenting style I've become accustomed to, in order to help AG achieve a restful state more easily. Books I've read say it's very well normal to let your baby cry it out, burn energy, etc before napping successfully. However, when ten minutes turn to 15, and so on, you start to feel quite desperate.

Another parenting art form that I'm still trying to learn is the distinguishing of cries; whether it is a hunger, gas pain/wet diaper, or exhaustion. I was awakened this morning at 4:30am sharp (a nightly ritual it seems) by a hunger cry- no doubt. We nursed for 30 minutes, and Austyn went back down with no problems. 

I again was woken up at 8:05am ... again, hungry. We nursed for 30 minutes, played in her jungle gym, sang a song or two, took some pictures, changed a diaper, and then the wailing begun. This time I referred back to my reading and quickly laid her down (in her pack n' play- where she's setting up camp for now). The screaming continued, "soothie" was spit out time after time, and the crying persisted. I then picked her up, attempted to burp her, as the book suggested, and still no angst was relieved. So I tried something new, something most parents would probably think to do in the first weeks of bringing a baby home; I laid her on her tummy, covered her with a blanket, and within 30 seconds (I kid you not), the girl was out!!! 

All this time, I've just been attempting to lay her on her back and often times on her side. This simple trick of tummy sleep was the jewel I've been looking for! It's now been approximately 30 minutes and the silence has endured. I couldn't be happier, probably shouldn't hold my breath, but for now will enjoy the pat on the back while I sit....  in silence.

Another place AG likes to nap. Fortunately this is not the permanent solution to our sleeping problem. :)


  1. I will say this; I understand that there will be some skepticism on tummy sleep. The risk for SIDS....

    I also did research on the subject. Turns out, the risk of SIDS is much higher for other factors such as infants around second hand smoke, ethnicity, and low birth weight. The current statistic for a child to be at risk for SIDS and that do not fit into any of these categories is at less than 1%. I will continue to monitor Austyn's sleep and enjoy this peace while it lasts.

  2. Have you been swaddling? That should help her sleep on her back a little bit.

  3. Good for you! New to your blog...My daughter is a bit older (11 months) but I remember those days of sleep training well. We did the whole cry it out but not until she was between 3 and 4 months old. Every child is different of course but that's the age recommended by our pediatrician. It worked so well and by 4 1/2 months she was sleeping through the night relatively unassisted. Good luck and I look forward to reading more. She's adorable!
